發行日期: 2008年十二月十六日
美國聯邦準備理事會今天決定調降聯邦準備利率目標降至 0~0.25%。
重點委員會的政策未來將是支持金融市場的運作和刺激經濟通過公開市場操作和採取其他措施,保持規模的聯邦儲備銀行的資產負債表處於較高水平。正如先前所宣布,在今後未來幾季,聯準會將購買大量的機構債券和抵押貸款支持證券提供支持的抵押貸款和房地產市場,它隨時準備擴大其購買機構債券和抵押貸款支持證券作為條件令。委員會也評估潛在的好處購買長期國債。明年初,聯準會也將實施中期資產支持證券的貸款,以促進擴大家庭和小型企業的信貸。 聯準會將繼續考慮如何利用其資產負債表,以進一步支持信貸市場和經濟活動。
在相關行動中,聯準會一致通過了降低貼現率3碼至0.5%。 在採取這項行動,理事會批准了提出的要求的董事會聯邦儲備銀行的紐約,克里夫蘭,里奇蒙,亞特蘭大,明尼阿波利斯和舊金山。理事會還設立了需要利息和多餘儲備結餘的0.25%。
Press Release
Release Date: December 16, 2008
For immediate release
The Federal Open Market Committee decided today to establish a target range for the federal funds rate of 0 to 1/4 percent.
Since the Committee's last meeting, labor market conditions have deteriorated, and the available data indicate that consumer spending, business investment, and industrial production have declined. Financial markets remain quite strained and credit conditions tight. Overall, the outlook for economic activity has weakened further.
Meanwhile, inflationary pressures have diminished appreciably. In light of the declines in the prices of energy and other commodities and the weaker prospects for economic activity, the Committee expects inflation to moderate further in coming quarters.
The Federal Reserve will employ all available tools to promote the resumption of sustainable economic growth and to preserve price stability. In particular, the Committee anticipates that weak economic conditions are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels of the federal funds rate for some time.
The focus of the Committee's policy going forward will be to support the functioning of financial markets and stimulate the economy through open market operations and other measures that sustain the size of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet at a high level. As previously announced, over the next few quarters the Federal Reserve will purchase large quantities of agency debt and mortgage-backed securities to provide support to the mortgage and housing markets, and it stands ready to expand its purchases of agency debt and mortgage-backed securities as conditions warrant. The Committee is also evaluating the potential benefits of purchasing longer-term Treasury securities. Early next year, the Federal Reserve will also implement the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility to facilitate the extension of credit to households and small businesses. The Federal Reserve will continue to consider ways of using its balance sheet to further support credit markets and economic activity.
Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman; Christine M. Cumming; Elizabeth A. Duke; Richard W. Fisher; Donald L. Kohn; Randall S. Kroszner; Sandra Pianalto; Charles I. Plosser; Gary H. Stern; and Kevin M. Warsh.
In a related action, the Board of Governors unanimously approved a 75-basis-point decrease in the discount rate to 1/2 percent. In taking this action, the Board approved the requests submitted by the Boards of Directors of the Federal Reserve Banks of New York, Cleveland, Richmond, Atlanta, Minneapolis, and San Francisco. The Board also established interest rates on required and excess reserve balances of 1/4 percent.